This Moment Will Never Come Again
Oct 26, 2021
Going back to your childhood, what did you enjoy the most? Which events or incidents do you remember strongly? Do you remember the feeling of excitement and anticipation before each holiday of the year, counting down the days? Do holidays affect you in the same way today? If asked this question, most of us would answer, "Of course not. I'm not a child anymore. Adults are too busy and don't have the time or energy to get excited over holidays".
Here are some reasons why we should look forward to the coming holidays and see and feel about them as when we were children.
- Holidays and their festivities will shift your mind away from your daily routines, responsibilities, and problems.
- Holidays provides opportunities for you to do something childlike and fun.
- You can experience memorable moments with family, friends, and pets. (Don't forget to take photos!)
- You can build or re-build relationships by sending cards or gifts that you made with your own hands. The receiver will love them and appreciate the gift of your love.
I love exposing MoMo to the things that make our fall season and its holiday, Halloween so special. I tell her, "It's not scary, it's fun so let's enjoy every holiday throughout the year!"
I must admit I was terrified during my first Halloween season in the U.S. Ghosts, skulls, bats and haunted houses scared me to death. I overcame my hate for Halloween by transforming all the scary goblins into whimsical, cute, and happy hand-made decorations! It's not too late to take my Halloween Trio class. It's simple and fun and you can get instant access. Come and join me and we'll have fun together! Register here!