Hearts, a Meditative Practice.
Feb 14, 2021
Today, we in the Pacific NW are celebrating a snowy Valentines Day. Being stuck at home is not a bad idea. I'm at home practicing how to water color loose and flowy HEARTS. Anyone can do this. It's so intuitive, using no brain power. Just get yourself a cup of hot tea, sit in your favorite corner of your house, dip your brush in the water, drop some color in the puddle of water, and get lost watching the flow of the water on your paper... so meditative.
This is my Ikigai. Enjoying small things, being in the moment, and know that this particular moment will never come again.... breath, breath...
Wishing you all a heartfelt Valentines Day! YOU ARE LOVED!
Just an update on the Artful Giving Community. The members enjoyed two Valentines workshops this month. It was so enjoyable to gather with the members on Zoom and enjoy few hours of self-care, where we let creativity flow. Want to come and join us? Contact me!