Ode to World Peace Part 2
May 13, 2022
Do you know the story of Sadako who folded 1,000 paper cranes in the hope of a world where people can co-exist in peace and harmony? Her wish was that countries make a promise that they will not engage in nuclear attacks on human beings.
I hold Sadako's story close to my heart and read it often to keep my spirits strong. What can I do? What I can do is share her poignant story and teach others to make beautiful paper cranes that deliver a strong message of peace.
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Sadako was two years old when the United States dropped the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on Aug. 6, 1945. Although she survived the horrific attack, Sadako developed leukemia from the radiation diagnosed as atomic bomb disease.
While in the hospital, Sadako began folding paper cranes. She was inspired to do so by the Japanese legend that one who created a thousand origami cranes would be granted a wish. Her wish was to live in a peaceful world.
She exceeded her goal 1,000 cranes and died having folded 1,400 birds. The Japanese government continues to gift Sadako's cranes to countries around the world as a token of her unfulfilled dream for world peace.
The Art of Making Beautiful Paper Crane Ornaments
Come and play like a child and fly like a bird ... all for a good cause.
The cost of this workshop is only $30. Proceeds will be donated to American Humane to rescue and care for the injured and abandoned animals in Ukraine.
My passion is to share my love of making things with my hands and help you to release your creativity and inspiration for positive thinking.
What could be more rewarding and peaceful than to paint and fold beautiful Peace Cranes during this time of disturbing world affairs? You will make your own style of birds where you express your hope for world peace. What meaningful ideas will come out of your head and translate onto your folded cranes?
You will feel so good to have your peace crane near you every day to remind you how little things and little messages can give us renewed energy to fight for peace in our world. You can also give them away as gifts to others or sell them to raise money for your favorite peace organization.
You can use whatever art supplies you have. How to assemble your needed supplies such as magazine papers, watercolors, crayons, etc. will be delivered to your inbox after you register. Can't attend? No worries, a video replay will be sent to you.
The Art of Making Beautiful Peace Cranes (Zoom Workshop with Kay)
Date: Saturday, May 21
Time: 10:00 AM
The cost of this workshop is only $30. Proceeds will be donated to American Humane to rescue and care for the injured and abandoned animals in Ukraine.
Can't make it? No worries. A replay of the workshop will be mailed to you.
Please join me. Together we will raise funds to help injured and displaced animals in Ukrane.